3 Years Strong
When you start with something new, it always comes with a lot of unknowns. You have a certain picture in your mind, but the end result might be different.
When we started Auro Professional 3 years ago on 7 November 2016, we had an idea, saw an opportunity to add value and started the business. The gap identified, was to provide clients with a holistic administrative service offering, addressing their taxation and structuring affairs. My father always spoke with great admiration of his long-time accountant/auditor who helped him grow his business within the most efficient structures available and proved to be a solid sounding board. This inspired me to add value to clients and ensure efficiency within their structures and administrative affairs. From this idea, the Family Wealth Office was born. This has been grown and nurtured and today, three years on, I can confirm that it works. We are three years strong and survived the 1 000 days test!
The Family Wealth Office concept has been well received and greatly appreciated by clients. The business is growing continually, and I am grateful for all the support received from family, friends and clients. The key differentiator is our ability to integrate various administrative, legislative and tax aspects and provide clients with a single point of contact through which their affairs are managed.
In many scenarios, family and friends have become clients and clients have become friends. This reiterates my belief that our service offering is personal, and clients like to do business with people they can trust.
Looking back, I see the lessons learnt, the relationships built and the growth that has occurred. A friend’s son asked what it takes to start your own business. My answer was creativity and perseverance. You have to be able to provide a unique offering which is continually improved and persevere in your chosen course of action.
I would like to thank my wife and business partner for her support. Without her help and continuous belief in the process we embarked upon, this business would not have been possible. Also a special word of thanks to my family and friends, their support in varying shapes and forms has been immeasurable.
To all our loyal and appreciated clients: without you, there would not have been a business to celebrate after three years. Thank you for your loyal support and having the confidence in the offering we made available.
A seed is planted within us, God allows us to nurture and grow this and use it for His glory. I am grateful for the seed He has entrusted me with.
We would also like to use this opportunity to launch our updated website and point out that we have a new office number, +27 21 879 3100. Please contact us if you would like to discuss any particular matter or if you would like to know more about what we do for our clients. We always have time to discuss your needs over a cup of tea or coffee.
I look forward to all the milestones we have yet to achieve and thank you for taking the journey with us!
Kind Regards
Niel Du Plessis