SARS and OTP’s

SARS and OTP’s

by Nannette Botha SARS is continually busy with enhancements to its efiling platform.  One of these is the introduction of One-Time Pins to effect certain actions on the platform. Choosing a password reveals a lot about yourself – including your personality and your...
New Requirements For Trusts

New Requirements For Trusts

4 June 2024 IF YOU ARE A TRUSTEE OF A TRUST, THERE ARE NEW LEGAL REQUIREMENTS YOU SHOULD BE AWARE OF: SARS IT3(t) DATA SUBMISSION   Legislative background   The South African Revenue Services published requirements for the reporting of information by...


Any business needs a long-term plan to achieve the desired future goal. Strategy should inform planning, and, as we know, failing to plan is planning to fail. Points to ponder: What is your vision for the company? What are the core values of your business? Have you...
Month End Optimisation

Month End Optimisation

You need up to date and accurate information to make the correct decisions within the management of your business.   One of the hurdles to this, is the delay in management information.  This is usually due to month end processes not being efficient and being...